I’m Heather. I’m brand new to this and it’s probably going to be a rough start but I hope to work through it.

I bought my home in late 2022 all by myself. I grew up expecting to never be able to afford my own home so this is still kinda shocking for me. Sometimes I sit in my living room, the only room completed, and think “Wow, this is actually mine”. When I get scared about the financial burden, I try to remember that local rent is as much or more than my mortgage payment. I’m doing as much of the work myself to save money and hope to bring you with me. So, let’s go…

Woodbury Cottage Avatar

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5 responses to “Hi!”

    1. Woodbury Cottage Avatar
      Woodbury Cottage

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Gabriella Avatar

    welcome to wordpress! im so proud of you for buying your own house!


    1. Woodbury Cottage Avatar
      Woodbury Cottage

      Thank you! I like your poetry.

      Liked by 1 person

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